+373 22 00-11-22 +373 684-084-84

Women's Health

The program is designed to treat various diseases of the female reproductive system, including infertility. Diseases of "cold" develop based on disturbances in the Phlegm and Wind constitutions, and diseases of "heat" develop based on disturbances in the Cholera constitution. Acupuncture in gynecology is applied based on evidence-based medicine and Eastern practices. The Tibetmed clinic uses author's techniques of acupuncture. This ensures maximum therapeutic effect in problems such as: infertility; uterine fibroids; inflammation of the appendages of the uterus; adnexitis; endometritis; tubal infertility; polycystic ovaries and single ovarian cysts. High results are achieved in the treatment of mastopathy, painful menstruation, menstrual cycle disorders, or absence of menstruation.

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