In our clinic, acupuncture is one of the main treatment techniques necessary to initiate healing from a multitude of diseases. This procedure constitutes a fundamental element of other complex sessions. The therapeutic properties of acupuncture are explained from both Western and Eastern perspectives. WESTERN PERSPECTIVE The acupuncture process directly affects reflexogenic points by irritating them and activating the functioning of internal secretion organs. In parallel, the procedure also affects the peripheral and central nervous systems. In addition to these obvious mechanisms of action, there are hundreds more that scientifically prove the effectiveness of acupuncture in treating dozens of diseases. The list is compiled by the World Health Organization based on conducted research and trials. EASTERN PERSPECTIVE According to Eastern theory, the human body has approximately 1500 bioactive points responsible for the functioning of specific organs and systems. These points are located on meridians - lines connecting them. Eastern medical practitioners believe that these lines are responsible for the circulation of vital energy in the body. Accordingly, when there is a disturbance in the circulation of vital energy, one organ experiences a deficiency while another cannot send it through the meridians and has an excess. Acupuncture allows for the unblocking of meridian channels, thereby restoring normal energy exchange. In the East, it is believed that the procedure not only restores the functioning of organs but also allows for full control of the nervous system's functioning, as well as other organs. The result of acupuncture can be immediate or remote. The immediate effect is used in acute conditions for symptomatic treatment. The use of the remote effect is permissible in the case of chronic diseases. The effect of treatment is fully achieved after completing the entire course of therapy. This method has an accumulative character.
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