+373 22 00-11-22 +373 684-084-84


Welcome to the First Oriental Medicine Clinic in Chisinau, Moldova

Online Appointment

Why Oriental Medicine Is Right For You?

Traditional Oriental medicine, recognized all over the world and successfully combined with modern methods of Western medicine, is recommended by the World Health Organization and the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Moldova as a method of treating various diseases.

Why Choose Tibetmed?

Oriental medicine - 5000 years of experience

At Tibetmed clinic, ancient experience and modern achievements are successfully used for the diagnosis and effective treatment of many diseases.

Trusted reputation

Since 2011, only professional specialists in oriental medicine from Mongolia, China and Moldova have been working successfully in the clinic.

We treat not the symptoms, but the cause of the disease

A person is considered an integral system. The goal of treatment is to eliminate the cause of the disease and recovery, not to suppress the symptoms of the disease.

Stable quality and safety

Acupuncture is recognized by the WHO as the safest and most effective method of treatment without side effects. In the clinic, an integrated approach to treatment aims to achieve reliable results.

Treatment Programs




  • In Western medicine, when symptoms of an illness appear, a complex of interventions and medication intake is prescribed. Western methodology focuses on symptom relief, with the risk of side effects of treatment considered last. The foundation of Eastern medicine, however, lies in addressing the root cause of the disease, not just the symptoms, utilizing a holistic approach to treatment that yields effective results while avoiding harm to the body. We don't treat the symptoms of the disease, we identify its true cause. This approach not only provides temporary relief but also eliminates the root of the problem.

  • The clinic opened in 2011. Conveniently located in the center of Chisinau, it operates from 8 a.m. to 9 p.m. on weekdays and from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Sundays and holidays. Thanks to this schedule, even the busiest person can easily access the necessary services.

  • Of course, you need to bring all the results of the examinations you have undergone in connection with the illness to the consultation. For example, if it's a spinal condition, X-rays will be needed, and if the problem is related to hormone levels, blood test results are necessary. The integration of Eastern and modern Western medical schools significantly increases the effectiveness of treatment. They complement each other perfectly.

  • In reality, you will only feel slight pain when the needle is inserted. But not during the actual session.

  • The World Health Organization has recognized acupuncture as one of the safest and most effective treatment methods with minimal side effects. In medicine, there is no concept of "guarantee." There are forecasts, probabilities of positive outcomes. During the consultation, the doctor conducts diagnostics, and if necessary, additional tests are prescribed. Afterward, we openly, directly, and honestly communicate what results can be expected from our treatment. No doctor at Tibetmed Clinic will ever attempt to depict results using strong drugs that alleviate symptoms. Our results are positive changes in your body. The main guarantee of our doctors is that they utilize all their knowledge and experience to achieve positive results - improving and restoring your health. Our guarantee is that we will do everything to avoid any side effects, not to harm. Tibetmed Clinic employs some of the best acupuncture specialists with international experience from Mongolia and Moldova. Traditional medicine doctors have both specialization in Eastern medicine and classical medical education. We only use time-tested techniques with guaranteed results and do not prescribe a course of treatment if we doubt its effectiveness. Our clinic adheres to a policy of patient confidentiality. We have done everything necessary to ensure that your visit is comfortable. A mandatory condition for the operation of our clinic is strict compliance with hygiene standards and rules, and we do not skimp on this. We only use disposable acupuncture needles and consumable materials (napkins, sheets, etc.).

  • In the comprehensive sessions of the Tibetmed clinic, both reflexotherapy (acupuncture) and physiotherapy (vacuum, massage, warming) are used. In the first case, the therapeutic effect is explained by reactions (reflexes) from the nervous system, internal organs from the effects on acupuncture points. In the second case, it is the therapeutic action of physical efforts, warmth. These methods do not replace each other but complement each other because different mechanisms are used. Each of the methods used in comprehensive sessions enhances the action of the others. This effect is called synergy and is widely used in Eastern medicine. For example, the combination of moxibustion and acupuncture enhances the overall therapeutic effect several times over. There are other optimal combinations of procedures that make up the "gold standard" of treatment in Eastern medicine.

  • Treatment is considered successful if there is a stable improvement in the condition. This does not always mean the rapid disappearance of symptoms. Therefore, the success of treatment cannot be evaluated solely based on symptom relief. The doctor's goal is to restore the internal balance, eliminate any weak spots where the disease could "settle" or take root. The disease does not always go away after the first procedure, although relief of pain syndrome in back pinching can be achieved as early as the first session. Sometimes it takes time, especially with long-term, chronic diseases that have developed and accumulated over the years. But stable, positive dynamics have been achieved, and the recovery process is underway, even after the end of the course of treatment. The main thing is to restore the natural health of the body, not to create an illusion of it by retouching symptoms. It is not uncommon among patients of Tibetmed Clinic to demand only symptom relief from the doctor, especially quick relief, without thinking about what will happen next. But a true Eastern medicine doctor cannot think like this; their task is different - to change the scenario of changes in the body from negative to positive.

  • All doctors at Tibetmed Clinic fully master the methods of Eastern medicine. There is no division into medical specialties in it, and each doctor is a universal practitioner from the point of view of Eastern medicine. However, each of our doctors has a higher medical education, and each doctor at our clinic has their own area of maximum experience and knowledge. During the consultation, the doctor determines which systems of the body are most involved in the disease and which medical specialization corresponds to this to a greater extent. Based on this, the manager directs the patient to the doctor who has the greatest experience and qualification in this particular area. This is one of the aspects of combining Western and Eastern medicine as the main concept of Tibetmed Clinic.


Modern reflexology is used for the treatment of a wide range of conditions and complements other types of treatment (including drug treatment), being effective in the prevention and treatment of diseases.

Nervous System

  • Trigeminal and facial neuritis, neuropathy, tics
  • Neurosis, depression, anxiety
  • Headaches of various etiologies (including migraines)
  • Insomnia, suprasegmental (neuro-)vegetative dysfunctions
  • Neuralgia

Musculoskeletal System

  • Diseases of the spine (osteochondrosis, intervertebral disc herniations)
  • Tendinitis, radiculitis, sciatica
  • Rehabilitation after trauma and surgery
  • Arthrosis, osteoarthrosis, arthritis, myalgia, gout

Cardiovascular System

  • High blood pressure of various origins, including essential high blood pressure
  • Ischemic heart disease
  • Cerebral circulation disorders (prevention of acute cerebrovascular accidents and rehabilitation after cerebrovascular accidents)

Respiratory System

  • Sinusitis and chronic bronchitis
  • Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Chronic bronchial asthma (outside periods of exacerbation)
  • Pneumonia & rehabilitation after acute respiratory diseases suffered

Urogenital System

  • Chronic kidney diseases (pyelonephritis, glomerulonephritis)
  • Pelvic organ prolapse
  • Dysmenorrhea & amenorrhea
  • Dysfunctional menstrual bleeding in women, severe premenstrual syndrome, lower abdominal pain during menstruation (algodysmenorrhea)
  • Impotence, prostatitis
  • Infertility

Digestive System

  • Chronic gastritis, gastric & duodenal ulcer
  • Cholecystitis, chronic pancreatitis,
  • Biliary dyskinesia

Endocrine System

  • Diabetes mellitus
  • Hypothyroidism & hyperthyroidism
  • Thyroid neck

Our Specialists

The specialists of the Clinic of Oriental Medicine Tibetmed are qualified doctors from Mongolia and Moldova: they have higher medical education, knowledge and skills to engage in Oriental Medicine, numerous diplomas and certificates attesting their experience and skills. Our doctors are constantly raise their qualifications, they complete their practical skills at Oriental Medicine Foremen and Masters and study abroad.

Ask Your Questions

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Tanya M.

Sunt foarte multumita lui d-na Nenco si d-na Bolormaa pentru acupunctura, este o metoda foarte efrctiva pentru relaxarea muschilor. E un loc foarte frumos, cu o atmosfera foarte placuta, fetele de la reception foarte amabile si atente. Highly recommend

Nelea R.

Foarte eficiente procedurile efectuate de către domnul Iulian, un profesionist desăvârșit! Recomand cu încredere! Bravo întregii echipe Tibetmed!

Dorin G

Recomand Tibetmed pentru toti lucratorii IT , masaj / acupunctura foarte calitative.

Михаела В.

Foarte bravi! Important am gasit ceea ce cautam. Specialisti buni care dau rezultate bune!

Tatiana Blaj

Profesionali, prietenoși și foarte receptivi la nevoile clientului!!!! Mulțumim mult!!!

Валентина Н.

Желаю всем врачам, а именно Хребтатий и Ненко крепкого здоровья, успехов во всем! Эти врачи мне и не только мне очень помогли в лечении позвоночника и колен. Благодарна за их внимание и хорошее отношение к пациентам пожилого возраста. Они очень доходчиво доносят до больных их проблемы, и как лучше лечить. И еще, хочу поблагодарить массажиста Ольгу и девочек администраторов.

Anastasia M.

O clinică superbă cu o atmosferă plăcută și relaxantă. Personalul foarte amabil. Un mare mulțumesc tuturor, în special domnului Iulian, care este, după părerea mea un masor desăvîrșit. Emană pură energie pozitivă. Iar la final, ceaiul de dupa masaj îți dă o stare de destindere totală. Am să revin cu drag și recomand cu încredere tuturor!

Наталья Ч.

Incantata de serviciile acestei clinici. Dispun de conditii confortabile, anturaj relaxant, medici competenti si calificati. Multumesc pentru serviciile acordate, in special d-lui Gasca. Cu siguranta o sa mai revin.

Victoria U.

De la receptie am fost primita cu multa amabilitate si profesionalism. Totul a fost ireprosabil, locatia superba, si cel mai important o atmosfera extrem de calda si de prietenoasa. Multumesc mult domului doctor, Тэмүүлэн Намхайдорж !



Vlaicu Pircalab str, 30

Chisinau, Moldova


+373 22 00-11-22

+373 684-084-84

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